Uses of Class

Uses of CellDoesNotExistException in org.almacha.achamaze

Methods in org.almacha.achamaze that throw CellDoesNotExistException
 boolean Maze.canMove(int i, int j, Direction d)
          Tells whether it is possible to move in direction d from cell (i, j).
 void Maze.checkCellExists(int i, int j)
          Raises a CellDoesNotExistException if and only if cellExists(i, j) is false.
private  Cell Maze.getCell(int i, int j)
 boolean Maze.isFilled(int i, int j)
          Tells whether the cell (i,j) is filled.
 boolean Maze.isWallUp(int i, int j, Direction wall)
          This method returns whether a wall is up or not.
 void Maze.setFilled(int i, int j, boolean filled)
          Sets whether a cell is filled or not.
 void Player.setPosition(int i, int j)
          Sets the current position of the player.
 void Maze.setStartPosition(int i, int j)
          Defines the position at which new players start in the maze.
 void Maze.setWallIsUp(int i, int j, Direction wall, boolean isUp)
          This method sets whether a wall is there or not.